User interface

To simplify and efficiently work with analytical data and to trade, the OptionWorkshop interface contains multiple child windows, which can be customized by adding the necessary forms and changing their location and size. The figure below shows an example of the main application form.

OptionWorkshop interface

Interface settings are saved on the computer, so each time the program loads the most recent window settings.

UI elements

User interface consists of the following elements:

UI elements

  1. Main toolbar – provides access to the main analytical and trading functions (the buttons are described in Table 1)
  2. Workspace – is used to place forms
  3. Information panel – displays information about data and Data source status connection (see Status bar)
  4. System panel – contains buttons of interaction with support (see Technical support)

Main toolbar

Table 1 presents a description of the main toolbar.

Table 1 – Buttons on the main toolbar

Button Documentation Description
Instruments tree Instruments tree
Positions manager Work with trading accounts, strategies, positions
What-if scenarios Create and edit What-If scenarios
Strategy templates Create custom options spread templates.
Instruments Board View detailed information about instruments
Orders manager Place, edit, and track order execution
Delta hedger Work with Delta hedger
Market maker Work with Market maker
Futures Orders Stairs (FOS) Work with Futures Orders Stairs (FOS)
Settings Designate application settings
System log View log events
System information View information about the license and the program version
Documentation site Open the documentation site

Status bar

To monitor the data source connection status, OptionWorkshop contains indicators located in the status bar in the bottom of the OptionWorkshop window.

Indicators of the data source connection

Icon Description
Click to open the Log form
Click to open the Transport control form.
Data source name Shows the name of the currently active data source
Blinks when a transaction is sent to the data source
Blinks when data is received from the data source
Indicates there is no connection to the data source
Indicates connection to data source is being established
Indicates the data source is connected
Indicates error state, unknown state

Transport control

Transport control

Button Action
Click to stop the transport
Click to start the transport
Restart all Click to restart all the transports

Forms placement

To display information in the most useful way, OptionWorkshop allows you to customize how forms appear on the screen. To move forms:

  1. Click-and-hold on the desired form’s title.

  2. Move the mouse cursor to the icon locations.

    Interface customization

    The icon displays the desired location to place the form [1].

    Interface customization

    Part of the window, which will take the form, will turn yellow [2].

  3. Release the mouse button. The form will be fixed in the appropriate position.

Icons description and examples of forms arrangement are presented in Table 3 – Icons description.

Table 3 – Icons description

Button Description Example
Place form on an entire working area
/ Place form on the left/right part of the window
/ Place form on the top/bottom part of the window
/ Аlign forms side-by-side in the workspace
/ Аlign forms top-to-bottom in the workspace

Each child window may be undocked from the main window and placed anywhere on your screen. OptionWorkshop also works well in multi-monitor configurations.

Multi-monitor configurations

Many child windows have special buttons Help on their toolbars. Click this button to get contextual help.

Saving interface settings

To save interface settings (location and size):

  1. Open the Settings window by clicking the button on the toolbar.

  2. Open the Support tab and click the Open configuration folder button.

    Support form

  3. Сreate a backup copy of all files of the %LOCALAPPDATA%\OptionWorkshop folder (except the logs folder).

To reset the interface settings remove the layout.xml file in the ui folder, restart the program and reconfigure the workspace.

Interface settings

Interface control

For easy navigation in the Active windows selection window (opened by pressing Ctrl+Tab), forms are grouped by type:

  • Strategy charts;
  • Option desks;
  • Spread desks;
  • Other windows.

Switching between windows

To quickly switch between windows in OptionWorkshop use the arrows on your keyboard.