Historical charts

Historical Charts reflect the changes of the underlying asset's price over a selected time period. The charts are updated in real time.

Historical Charts

The time period is shown by the x-axis, the price by the y-axis. The candlestick is based on the following parameters:

  • Open – the opening price of the time interval
  • High – the maximum price during the time interval
  • Low – the minimum price during the time interval
  • Close – the closing price of the time interval

You can create the chart via the context menu of the financial instrument in three places:

Clicking on the Historical Chart command in the pop-up menu opens the historical chart. You can change the time range using the top toolbar.

Chart controls

Chart for a certain time period

You can select the depth of the historical data in the drop-down list.

The overview of the chart for the selected period is displayed at the bottom of the form. Click the Overview button to hide the overview of the chart. You can scale the chart using the slider control.

Candle size

You can select the candle size by clicking on the button:

  • 1m, 10m, 15m, 30m (“m” – minute),
  • 1H, 4H (“H” – hour),
  • 1D (“D” – day),
  • 1W (“W” – week),
  • 1M (“M” – month).

Candle size

Guiding line

Placing the cursor over the chart will generate a tooltip containing the value of the data point on the X-axis and Y-axis. To display the guiding line and the tooltip click the Cursor button on the top panel.

Scaling and moving

You can scale and move the chart in several ways:

  1. Mouse wheel – scroll the chart horizontally.
  2. Shift+mouse wheel – scroll the chart vertically.
  3. Ctrl+mouse wheel ( , buttons) – scaling.
  4. To scale into a certain area, hold the right mouse button and select the area.
  5. To return to default size double-click the left mouse button on the chart.
  6. To move the chart, click the left mouse button and hold it pressed while moving the cursor.

You may return to default sizing and positioning any time you want by clicking the button.