Monday, 10 October 2016

Option Workshop, version 16.10.1194

In our new version, we have added several improvements by request from our users, and fixed some interface bugs, the DDE export bugs etc. The new version can already be downloaded from our website or through the update system.

Strategy templates

In the strategy templates manager window we’ve added some standard options combinations:

  • Straddle: +1p, +1c,
  • Strangle: +1p-1, +1c+1,
  • Strangle 2: +1p-2, +1c+2,
  • Strangle 3: +1p-3, +1c+3,
  • Vertical bull call spread: +1c, -1c+1,
  • Vertical bear call spread: -1c, +1c+1,
  • Vertical bull put spread:  +1p-1, -1p,
  • Vertical bear put spread:  -1p-1, +1p,
  • Calls butterfly: +1c-1, -2c, +1c+1,
  • Puts butterfly: +1p-1, -2p, +1p+1,
  • Condor: +1p-2, -1p-1, -1c+1, +1c+2.

If you select a template you’ll see in the right part of the window the template formula for creating a spread and the ‘preview’ of the PnL chart which is built up according to the formula.

Standard strategy templates

Now you can include the underlying asset in the strategy templates: ‘u’ means underlying asset.

DDE export

We have added the option to change the update rate of the data exported via DDE – The Update period parameter is now available in the export settings window.

Update period

You can open the export settings window by using hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+E.

Instrument tree

Weekly options in the instrument tree now display the number of the week.

Number of the week

Interface control

To quickly switch between windows in Option Workshop use the hotkeys Ctrl+Tab.

Switching between forms

Fixed issues

We have fixed an issue with:

  • Interface tabs ordering not maintained after restarting the program,
  • Main window’s incorrect minimization,
  • Historical chart zoom settings when a candle is updated,
  • Table columns’ autosizing,
  • Fills deletion while deleting a position,
  • Net strategy update when adding a position,
  • DDE export errors.

Also Option Desk’s column preset list was not updated properly. We have fixed this issue.

Read also

Bear Call Spread

Strategy name and alternative names

Bear Call Spread. An alternative name is Credit Call Spread.

Main characteristics

Bearish position. It is a vertical spread involving an equal number of long and short calls on the same underlying asset and with the same expiration date. It is a credit spread, which means you receive money to put on the position. The strategy profits as long as the price of the underlying security remains below the breakeven point.

Options used in the combination

Sell to open one at-the-money (ATM) call and simultaneously buy to open one out-of-the money (OTM) call. The strike price of the short call is below that of the long call. The advantage of this spread is that it benefits from time decay and provides an immediate inflow of cash. The maximum gain and loss on the spread are very limited and well defined.

18 April 2017


Strategy name and alternative names

Straddle. An alternative name is Long Straddle.

Main characteristics

Neutral position. It is a combination involving an equal number of long puts and long calls at the same strike price and the same expiration date. It is a debit combination, which means you must pay to put on the position. The strategy profits when the price of the underlying security moves up or down beyond the breakeven points.

Options used in the combination

Buy to open one at-the-money (ATM) call and simultaneously buy to open one ATM put. Both options derive from the same underlying stock and have the same strike price and expiration date. The advantage of this combination is that it benefits from volatility, independent of the direction of stock price movement. Both the put and the call have (potentially) unlimited upsides but limited loss exposure.

3 February 2017

Vertical Bull Debit Call Spread

Strategy name and alternative names

Vertical bull debit call spread. An alternative shorter name is bull call spread.

Main characteristics

Moderately bullish. It is a vertical spread, which means it involves two or more options at different strike prices with the same expiration date. It is a debit spread, which means you must pay to put on the position. The strategy profits when the underlying security rises moderately.

Options used in the spread

Buy to open one at-the-money (ATM) call and simultaneously sell to open one out-of-the money (OTM) call. Both calls derive from the same underlying stock. The advantage of this spread is that the credit from the sale of the OTM call partially offsets the debit paid for the ATM call. Basically, the spread allows you to buy the ATM call at a discount in exchange for a cap on the maximum profit you can extract from the spread.

18 January 2017

Option Workshop, version 16.10.1194

In our new version, we have added several improvements by request from our users, and fixed some interface bugs, the DDE export bugs etc. The new version can already be downloaded from our website or through the update system.

10 October 2016

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